Friday Fictioneers!

Today’s photo prompt is provided by Ted Strutz. For more information on this challenge, check Rochelle’s profile right here.

This could easily be my last recorded message before I die. I am in the line for the ferry. It’s raining heavily outside but I can still see those men standing on the deck, waiting for me. I brought the top secret files which they wanted. It is possible that they will kill me as soon as I hand it over.

So, whoever gets this, I beg you to take it to my office. I’m sorry for what I am going to do but………..

They have my son.

I am on the ferry. This is it……

Rachel Sexton

Homeland Security

(100 words)

I tried to keep it simple. I thought if you record a message right before you think you’re going to die should be simple and straight. The name Rachel is inspired by one of the characters in Dan Brown Novels.